Phillip was running away through the thick dense black forest from manbearpig and he arrived in a what seemed like a black lake of goo he was stuck and manbearpig was gaining on him quick his theeth gleaming yellow in the moon light phillips heart is racing as man bear pig approches faster and faster. Manbear pig arrives mear feet from phillip and then there was a loud thundeisous crack and manbearpigwas suddenly struck to the ground Dead in a pool of his own Glowing green blood. Thoughts were racing through Phillips head where had that crack came from was it natural or was it someone ?

and then suddenly Ex vice president Al Gore walked out holding a snipper riffle it was him he shot manbearpig and he didnt look happy he approached Phillip but did not help him out of the black goo. He opened his mouth about to speak but didnt he just stood there with out a word for what seemed like forever. After the silence he said to me "that was manbearpig as i guess you already know and becuase of you i had to kill it now no one will belive me he is real and for this i am now going to take my time and with great pleasure kill YOU. Al reached in his bag and pulled out a large silver Cleaver with a glint of the moon light that struck my eye . he raised it above phillips head about to release the final deadly blow that would end Phillips life when a pink flash came zipping along the forest floor and knocked over Al.
Then this short sillowet came rushing from the trees as if it was a lighting bolt it was Mr Miyagi he dropped to the ground and killed al with a swift karate chop he helps phillip out of the goo and he thanked him for saving his life. The pink flash came zipping back in front of phillip and it was a pink Barbie car and out of the pink car came a mogwai known as Gizmo.

Phillip was eternialy greatful to them both and to show his appreciation he gave mr miyagi The Sword of osiris The only reason you ended up in this place then looked at his watch and noticed it was 4;00 in the morning it was on weird night. and to thank gizmo he gave him a Biscut but as mr Miyagi yelled out in dismissal and gizmo ate the biscut The mogwai strated to shake behond its control. Mr miyagi told phillip to run so they did and he looked back to see gizmo surrounded by a army of slime cover monsters

But what would happen to gizmo ,Mr Miyagi and Phillip
I guess you willl never Know